Google Dominating UAE’s Online Business Market - IBG Consulting Dubai

Google Dominating UAE’s Online Business Market

May 21, 2018by admin

The launch of Google in 1998 was the single most significant event of internet’s history that revolutionized raw information sources into a keyword optimized search engine. Two years later AdWords was born that further enhanced Google’s advertising capabilities as it gave momentum to its content targeting services in 2003. Then in 2004 Google successfully introduced a series of advanced algorithms to map searching behaviors and rank results on its vast network. Within a mere 6 years after inception, Google has successfully captured the global digital industry by catalyzing the growth of its digital marketing practices in different regions of the world.

Among the regions, the Middle East fosters one of the fastest growing number of internet users that currently estimate over 164 million. UAE, in particular, has been leading the Digital Marketing trends, influencing a major portion of its versatile economy.

The impact of internet and its fast speed upgrades has engendered an immense development in Google’s eminence throughout UAE’s online businesses, facilitating faster, more productive and streamlined marketing solutions for merchants. According to latest statistics, Google currently owns 96.16% search engine market share in UAE, followed by Bing at 1.95% and Yahoo at 1.4%.

Due to Google’s undisputed dominance, AdWords marketing is one of the most widely sought out digital solutions for generating leads and gaining visibility in UAE’s target audience. According to a report published by Gulf News, local businesses have invested so much in Google Ads that print media outlets are evidently becoming obsolete. Through a course of recent years, Google has managed to build an impregnable business model, making significant strides in content exposure techniques and attracting millions of users in local markets. According to, Google Ads accounts for 25% of advertising spend Globally.

Google AdWords not only gives an instant boost to any business that needs fast lead generation within a limited budget but also increases brand awareness faster than traditional media channels. In Google’s recent innovation it announced its latest search feature for Ramadan which will give all information based on the keyword “Ramadan” on main search result page, such as,

“Spinach fatayer was one of the most trending dish in Ramadan 2017 in the UAE”

At the launch ceremony, Google’s Marketing Manager for the Middle East and North Africa Mr. Najeeb Jarrar said, “As more than a billion people prepare for Ramadan, we too at Google have been working to help our users as they begin to adapt to the month-long occasion. From augmented reality in Qibla Finder to virtual reality in Qalam, we brought Google’s innovation to your fingertips this Ramadan,”.

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