How Do I Start A Trademark Business? - IBG Consulting Dubai

How Do I Start A Trademark Business?

August 26, 2021by admin

Getting trademark registration has become one of the top priorities for all brands because of increased competition in the UAE market. From copying a company logo to using a company’s name, businesses have to go through numerous issues of copyright infringement. Therefore, if you’re planning on starting a business in the UAE, then getting a trademark for your business should be on your priority list.

Trademark Explained

In simple terms, a trademark can be anything including a logo, symbol, design, coloring, etc. that represents a brand’s identity. It not only distinguishes the company from others but also maintains its market profile.

Trademarks provide the benefit to businesses for safeguarding their identities in the market. Customers will connect with only original businesses because of the trademark insignia issued for customer awareness.

You can add almost anything related to your business for the trademark registration process. However, there are certain limitations imposed by the UAE government that you must adhere to:

  • Public symbols or flags cannot be used as trademarks
  • Any offensive sign, text or symbol, or anything offensive cannot be used as a trademark
  • Direct or indirect translations of other trademarks cannot be used as a trademark
  • Names/titles of any third-party businesses cannot be used as a trademark

You must adhere to these limitations for registering your trademark. You can contact the Ministry of Economy for knowing more about trademark limitations.

Registering for Trademark-How to do it?

Now that you’ve known what a trademark is, it’s time to take a look at how to register your business for a trademark:


As highlighted earlier, your trademark is a unique identity of your business that protects your profile as well as distinguishes it from others. However, it’s not just your business that is registering for trademarks.

Every business aims to differentiate and protect itself in the market. Therefore, ensure that the trademark that you’re choosing isn’t in use already. A simple way to do this is to search online for available trademarks.

You can use different tools or ask a third party for finding this for you. When you know your chosen trademark isn’t in use, you can approach getting it registered.


Now that you’ve chosen your trademark, it’s time to get it registered. The process comprises simple steps, which begin with filling out a registration form. You can acquire this form from the Ministry of Economy’s website online.

All you need to do is to find ‘services’ on the website and then go to the section of ‘e-services’. There, you’ll find ‘trademarks’ where you have to choose ‘trademark registration’ under ‘new applications’. You’ll be redirected to a form that you have to fill with your organizational details.

Alongside filling out the form, you’ll be asked to upload some documents as well. These include:

  • Your trademark logo
  • Copy of your trading license
  • Copy of your passport
  • Priority document
  • Power of attorney
  • List of items, goods, or services you want to protect under your trademark

You have to upload these documents for registering your trademark. It’s to note that there may be more documents required along the way.


Like any other official registration, you’d need to pay a fee for processing your registration process. You will need to pay AED 8,700 as trademark registration UAE cost. This doesn’t include legal or translation.

One thing to note here is that there are companies that are working as third-party partners for getting trademarks registered for clients. If you’re able to find someone with a credible profile, then you may end up paying less than the actual amount with everything covered.

However, as cool as the idea seems, it’s better to keep yourself on the right path and pay via online payment through the website.


Once you’ve submitted the form, required documents, and paid the fee, your application will be submitted for review. The Ministry of Economy will be reviewing your application for registration. Therefore, you should ensure that the details you’ve mentioned are accurate at all levels.

However, even if a mistake can get your form rejected, you also have the option of modifying the details. The Ministry takes almost 30 days before giving approval or rejecting the form. Ensure you modify everything within the first 2 days so that the process of review can finally begin.

Announcing Your Trademark’s Registration

In case your registration application is approved, it’s time to make an announcement. It’s necessary for businesses getting the licensing of trademarks to announce the move in at least 2 Arabic newspapers and at least one journal paper.

You will be needing to pay AED 1000 to the Ministry of Economy for publishing this announcement in a journal paper. Announcing in the newspapers will take an additional fee, which you can either pay to the MoE or work out on your own. Some of the newspapers that you can use for announcement include:

  • Al Khaleej
  • Al Ittihad
  • Al Bayan
  • Al Wahda
  • Al Watan

Once you’ve made the announcement, you’ll have to wait for 30 days for the public to make any objection. If no objection is made, you’ll be receiving the trademark certificate. However, if any objection occurs, the Ministry will take notice of the objection.

It will then reassess the application based on the objection made and will determine whether to carry forward your application or not. It is to note that the Ministry of Economy publishes announcements at the end of the month. Therefore, it can take almost 2 months for businesses to get their trademark registered and that is without any objections made.

Receiving Trademark Certificate

After the announcement in newspapers and getting no public objection in 30 days, the Ministry of Economy will provide you with a trademark certificate. This certificate will hold important details mentioned on it, including:

  • Trademark registration number
  • Trademark name
  • Trademark owner’s name
  • Description of goods/services/products under the trademark

It is to note that this trademark certificate is valid for 10 years, and only in 7 emirates of the UAE.

Trademark Renewal

You’ll be needing to renew your trademark after 10 years. The government allows 3 months period in which you can apply for renewing your trademark. However, for a delay of every month, you’ll have to pay AED 1000 as a fine apart from the renewal fee. The Renewal fee is AED 6,700.

The renewal of your trademark registration can be done easily from the Ministry of Economy’s website. Simply head to Services>trademarks>modification and maintenance services>trademark renewal.

You’ll be asked to submit the renewal fee alongside a copy of your old trademark certificate. After successful submission, your certificate will be renewed within 30 days.

Closing Thoughts

Well, there you have. Here’s how you can get your trademark registration done in no time. Ensure to correctly fill your form for registration while submitting necessary documents and you’ll get your trademark registered right away.

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