The IT (Information Technology) industry has been moving forward and becoming thriving and quite successful attracting more free zone and offshore software company in Dubai due to several aspects. Among these are the federal and local governments’ support and awareness, of that the base to create a modern infrastructure aided by new technologies is to make a productive environment and tech-savvy solutions available.
What is a software company?
It often produces multiple products, which perform complimentary functions. They create digital solutions to problems, build corporate systems and design websites, develop apps for different types of operating systems, and supply business intelligence.
Where should I start/register a software company in Dubai?
In order to set up a software or IT industry, both Government and foreign entrepreneurs play a great part. Before considering the registration step, a location must be decided on.
Mainland Business setup
An expatriate must keep in mind that in order to set up an onshore or a mainland LLC company, it is mandatory to have a local sponsor to hold and own 51% of the ownership shares.
Free Zone Business setup
A free zone Entity for a foreign investor would be a more favorable choice as it provides:
- The flexibility of tax-free trading
- A complete capital ownership of 100%
- A profit repatriation that equals 100%
Dubai avails a number of free zones of specialties and they are committed to each sector that interests foreign investors largely and sufficiently. Among the different options there are Dubai based free zones that are dedicated for IT industries whether with in TECOM group or not. The most favored free zones for offshore company setup or onshore free zone business incorporation are:
- Dubai Internet City (DIC)
As part of TECOM group, DIC offers creative collective engineered solutions for innovation. DIC community is becoming MENA region’s largest ICT hub, with generous regulations that facilitate trading success nurtures entrepreneurs, enables SMEs, and attracts worldwide ICT leaders where a business accesses a rich ecosystem of knowledge workers, lively service providers, and universal expertise.
- Dubai Techno Park (DTP)
DTP is an IT park to support technological development within the commercial/industrial zone, as it is part of Jebel Ali’s industrial zone. In the present, it is the home of many of the world’s high-profile technological companies specialized in technology, oil, gas, and petrochemicals in addition to other industries, which makes it one of the Mena’s largest industrial hubs.
- Dubai Silicon Oasis (DSO)
DSO is designed as a hi-tech ecosystem offering a copious number of benefits providing all facilitation needed for a proper IT industry operation with supportive and attractive collection of incentives for interested entrepreneurs. It is including but not limited to (low cost operation solutions, IT friendly Infrastructure with Tier III Data Center, and an unlimited access to talented technical and engineering professionals.
What are the main steps to set up a software business?
Ideally, an incorporation in the IT industry does not require a special pre-approval or a special kind of license and it follows the normal path of setting up a business in the UAE. However, it is inevitable to check if the industry of interest requires preapprovals of certain nature from a setup consultant.
At IBG, our goal is not just to rush through paperwork. We endeavor to add value to clients saving time authorities. We are accredited resellers for the free zones and have been working with them for a long time. On our records hundreds of cases and are familiar with the legal structures and processes in place, and we have developed a suite of tools that makes processing quicker and more competent. IBG also has a reputation for doing a job once and doing it right — that is why 4 out of 5 clients put us on a long-term contract as trusted advisors.